Lead Services
Lead Abatement
One of the most asked questions is, “We found lead paint in our apartment, What do we do now?”
No need to stress, Our team of dedicated experts will be by your side to help you through the Lead Abatement Process.
XRF Testing is now required by Local Law 31 in NYC.
A quick, accurate way of lead paint testing is X-Ray Fluorescence or XRF. Results can be provided on the spot and include a detailed report and sketch. By using XRF to test your home, you can be sure there is no lead paint hiding on any surfaces.
Dust Wipe Testing
Water Sampling for Lead
Paint Chip Sampling
If your building was built before 1978, there is a high percentage that lead based paint is on the walls, windows, doors, and molding. If lead based paint has been painted over it can still possess a threat to your health.
If there is a potential lead hazard in your home, we will find it!