Understanding NYC HPD Laws on Lead, Mold,
Asbestos, and Local Laws 1, 31, and 55


The New York City Department of Housing Preservation and Development (HPD) plays a vital role in ensuring the safety and well-being of residents. In this article, we’ll delve into NYC HPD laws regarding lead, mold, asbestos, and the implications of Local Laws 1, 31, and 55, to help both tenants and landlords navigate these important regulations. Plus, we’ll introduce you to our in-house expeditor, who can assist you in complying with these laws.


1. Lead-Based Paint Disclosure:
Under NYC HPD laws, landlords are required to provide tenants with a Lead-Based Paint Disclosure form for buildings constructed before 1960. This disclosure form informs tenants about the potential presence of lead-based paint in their units. Landlords must also provide an informational pamphlet on lead-based paint hazards.

2. Lead Hazard Reduction Program:
If a child under the age of 6 resides in a unit with lead hazards, landlords are obligated to enroll in the Lead Hazard Reduction Program. This program aims to address lead hazards in a safe and effective manner, ensuring the property is safe for children. Landlords may receive financial assistance to cover the costs of lead abatement measures.


1. Mold Assessment and Remediation:
NYC HPD’s mold regulations require landlords to assess and remediate mold issues in their buildings. Mold can pose health risks and affect indoor air quality. Landlords are responsible for addressing mold problems in both common areas and individual units promptly.

2. Tenant Rights:
Tenants have the right to report mold issues to HPD. Upon receiving a complaint, HPD conducts inspections to assess the extent of the mold problem. If necessary, HPD will require landlords to take corrective action to eliminate the mold issue. This ensures that tenants can live in a healthy and habitable environment.


1. Asbestos Inspection and Removal:
NYC HPD enforces strict regulations regarding asbestos during construction or renovation projects. Building owners and contractors are required to comply with these regulations to prevent asbestos exposure. Asbestos is a hazardous material that, when disturbed, can release fibers into the air, posing a significant health risk.

2. Asbestos Notifications:
Building owners are obligated to provide tenants with notifications when asbestos removal projects are planned for their buildings. This notification ensures that occupants are aware of the potential asbestos hazards during the abatement process. Proper precautions are taken to protect the safety and health of tenants during asbestos removal.

Local Laws 1, 31, and 55:

Local Law 1: Local Law 1 of 2004 requires building owners to conduct annual lead-based paint inspections and correct lead hazards in multiple dwellings where children under 6 reside.
Local Law 31: Local Law 31 of 2020 focuses on lead exposure and requires building owners to inspect and correct lead-based paint hazards when there is a turnover of tenants, especially in apartments where children under the age of 6 reside.
Local Law 55: Local Law 55 of 2018 addresses multiple issues, including mold, lead, and pests. It sets reporting requirements for mold assessments, mandates inspections for lead-based paint hazards, and addresses pest infestations in residential buildings.

Our In-House Expeditor for HPD Compliance:

At E.S.S, we understand the importance of complying with NYC HPD laws, as well as Local Laws 1, 31, and 55. That’s why we have an in-house expeditor who specializes in navigating the intricacies of HPD matters and local laws. Our expeditor can assist both landlords and tenants in ensuring compliance with these laws. Whether you need help with paperwork, inspections, or remediation processes, our expert expeditor is here to make the process smoother for you.


Non-compliance with these NYC HPD laws, as well as Local Laws 1, 31, and 55, can result in serious consequences. Fines, penalties, and legal actions may be imposed on landlords or property owners who fail to adhere to these regulations. It is crucial for all parties involved to be well-informed about these laws and fulfill their respective responsibilities. Staying compliant with these regulations, with the assistance of our in-house expeditor, ensures a safer and healthier living environment for tenants in New York City. For more detailed information on each law and their specific requirements, you can visit the official NYC HPD website or contact us for expert assistance.